Tuesday, November 22, 2005

These three years now just gone..

These three years now just gone, they are the legends of my mind

Where to start?

I thought seeing uni is finishing up I would give a bit of a brief overview of my time at Charles Sturt University. I'm almost finished and will graduate in April next year with a Bachelor of Business/Information Technology (International Business Management). Phew, what a mouthful. I am proud of myself though. I never wanted to give up but there have definitely been times when I've struggled (cough) java (cough) and thought I'm not going to pass this. Then there were the times when I didn't pass. Which was was tough but definitely deserved. To make up for it this past year I have been doing 5 subjects a semester so I can graduate at the same time as everyone else. I don't like to make things easy for myself thats for sure. Here goes.....

First year of uni (2002) O-week (orientation week). I hung out with best friend and met turtlelips and Tom at an underage barbeque (as I wasn't 18 yet). Little did I know in a couple of years I would end up living with them!
As I was at Thurgoona campus and best friend was at Albury campus it was time to cut the apron strings (so to speak) and venture out into the big wide world to find some friends I could call my own. After meeting a charming young lad who went by the name of 'Aza', I mistakenly (or was it?) introduced him to best friend. Unfortuantely for me, best friend and Az hit it off a bit too well.

Meanwhile I'd started to understand that uni was a LOT different to high school...where were the popular people?? You could talk to ANYONE, there were no 'cool kids' and anyone who thought they were (too cool) was ignored! First year I don't remember drinking much at all..of course the drinking that was done in the three years after that could have affected my memory. I managed to pass all my subjects (although had to re-sit one of my exams...the dreaded ITC129 (Fundamentals of Java).

Other subjects I did in the first semster included Introduction to Information Technology (ITC161), Organisations and Management (MGT100), Accounting Info for Business (ACC100) and the aforementioned ITC129.

The second semester I was not so lucky and realised during my Accounting 2 Exam that if I was referring to trees and recycling when talking about 'environmental accounting' then I wasn't going to do too well..so I suppose I knew that FL was coming. I also completed Business Statistics, Introduction to Data communications (where I had my first of many all-nighters completing assignments) and Object-Modelling Techniques (my first class with turtle-lips .

Second year (2003) arrived and this time we had Alex with us at O-week (she had just come back from America), and it was a blast. I seem to remember sewing together some kind of horrible skirt with a tropical motif (for hawaiian night) at the last minute, but it was a really great night. Highlights from 2nd year O-week included me diving head first into a bush and coming out with only one shoe. I am still not sure to this day whether I had the shoe on when I left 'the sloshed cod' (the uni bar) or not but we had to do some shoe swapping to get me into 'the globe'(pub) later with only one shoe on!
Again in 2nd year I failed a subject, macroeconomics no less which was not a hard and I'm really not sure what went wrong there. I did however happen to pass Accounting 2 the second time around! I also did Database Management Systems, Marketing Principles, Microeconomics and ITC125 the Information Superhighway.

In November, the great love saga between Best friend and Az ended and best friend went off to America for a few months. After intially being lost, I found fishing and how much fun all my other friends could be.

To be continued....

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