Friday, January 13, 2006


Originally uploaded by trojen_hoarse.
In an effort to stave of boredom and in the interests of physical wellbeing I walked into the city today. I stopped at RMH (Royal Melb. Hospital) and the man and I went down and had lunch at the markets and then walked over to QV (visited Sugar!) and then the man went back to work and left me to my own devices (also known as shopping). Despite SatanLink paying me today and despite my need for work clothes...I bought nothing. Although I found some pants..I know I can get them in Myer anywhere and they weren't on sale...and what is the deal with there being no size 8's?? I found a nice shirt...a little baggy for a size 10 (I usually wear in between an 8 and 10)...but they didn't have that or anything else (besides the pants) in a size 8!!

I walked back..realising just how stubborn I am. I got halfway back and thought...I CANNOT walk a step further but refused to pay $6.10 for a tram ticket when I'd already walked so far...and I eventually made it home.

The man and I are supposed to be going for a run/kick the footy when he gets that should be interesting. Hopefully I will be a bit more perky by the time that happens because right now moving my toes hurts.

- Jen

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