Monday, July 11, 2005

Who am I?

It has occurred to me, since obtaining this blog that I read an awful lot of other people's blogs just by looking on So it would seem reasonable to assume that other people besides my friends read mine.

So for all those people who don't know who I am or what makes me..well me. Here are some small facts to fill in a few of the blanks.

Who am I?

- I work at an internet cafe and LAN gaming shop in NSW Australia
- I am about to move back in with my parents as I only have six months left of uni and then hopefully move to melbourne to live with the man.
- The man lives in melbourne and is a crystallographer.. I don't really understand what he does!
- I like computer games, not as much as I used to but I'm enjoying Battlefield 2 at the moment.
- At uni I am nearly finished a Bachelor of Business/Information Technology (International Business Management)

So I don't know what that makes me! I suppose it makes me Jen.

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