Thursday, July 12, 2007

The world isn't split into good people and death eaters

This afternoon the man and I went and saw the new Harry Potter flick - Harry and the Order of the Phoenix. It wasn't bad, just missed bits I liked out of the book. I won't spoil it for anyone who hasn't seen it but I just felt bad for people like the man who haven't read the book. As the man pointed out, it'd be a very long movie if it had everything in it. We actually saw it in directors suite which was pretty cool. We shared a wedges and some kind of chicken bits and then had 'dessert' halfway through with chocolate mousse and apple strudel. Pretty nice way to spend an afternoon!

- Jen


mangopacket said...

I felt as if I should have spent the $13 on transformers again and waited for it to come on DVD.

I know it’s not that bad, but i just wasn’t having fun. To make it worse the lady behind me wouldn’t stop talking the whole way through! She wasn’t even trying to whisper. Stupid n00b.

Snow tomorrow! Should be awesome!

jenu said...

That's why they sell jaffa's at the movies (to throw). Isn't it? said...

Going to the pictures turns me into a facist. I can't stand the people who sit nearby and TALK. Grrrr. No jaffa would be big enough. I think I'm going to have to do my own Harry Potter DVD marathon...