Monday, March 12, 2007

A magnetic personality

Originally uploaded by trojen_hoarse.
Saturday I had the MRI on my knee, Prahran wasn't too hard to get to and I will admit I like that part of town just a little bit.

It only took twenty minutes out of my day but I'm pretty sure it took more than that off my life. If I thought I was scared of vacumn cleaners then the noise that contraption made was like being stuck inside an ENORMOUS vacumn cleaner. This was with my head not being even all the way in it. Lets hope I never have to have one done on my head.

I had one of the jjj hottest 100 cd's to listen to although Missy Higgins wasn't much of a help.

Afterwards we spent the afternoon wandering around the city with Ben and Rel and ended up having lunch at a place in chinatown. You could practically see the salmonella on the plate. Not to mention the place seemed to be some kind of shrine to Deng Xiaoping ex-leader of the Chinese Communist Party. Also, the service was awful.
Pity because the lady out the front hijacking pedestrians was so charming too....

We were all exhausted when we got home and after our stomachs had settled from ice cream and suspicious chinese food, I whipped up some teriyaki beef, followed by a pudding the boys had gone and got from the supermarket.

I know - a packet mix. Still, as seemingly simple as a packet mix is I somehow managed to mix my fingers. Yes, thats right. My fingers - in - the mixer. Not fun. But no blood! It was more of a shock. Normally I'm pretty careful to check its switched off before taking it apart. I did end up with a kitchen full of pudding mix though, and my shirt was pretty colourful too.

Sunday was spent eating hot cross buns and consuming an un-godly amount of Max Brenners. Usually we're pretty good and just have a hot chocolate and some of the strawberreis you dip in the chocolate. Well strawberries I dip in the chocolate. The man finds its much easier if you actually use your tongue to lick out the chocolate pot. Who would have thought? Yesterday though the man had a chocolate mousse as well, which I might add he got halfway through eating and realised the 'bowl' he was eating out of was actually chocolate too. He has since sworn off chocolate forever. I give him until this afternoon.

This morning I hit the gym and got the trainer there to show me how to lift free-weights instead of the machines which I don't really trust. I lift free weights in my super circuit classes but don't have much time to make sure I'm doing it properly.

RSVPs are going well for the engagement party...with no-one actually saying they aren't going to come (yet). Still two more invites to get sent out (my bad) I should really do that today.

Anyway, I'm rambling.

- Jen

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